Sunday, August 7, 2011

what is with these ballet shoes?
I've been dancing, dancing
But they are starting to wear out

what is with this resignation
i'm still strapped to the ribbons on my feet

Monday, August 1, 2011

Yesterday I was clever.
That is why I wanted to change the world.
Today I am wise.
That is why I am changing myself


You are my mind's purity-stealer,
You are my heart's peace-intruder,
You are my life's divinity - invader!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


it is seven thirty

past the break of dawn
sweeping, fli cker ing
f a i n t ly

beckoning my restless body

an inkling of dreams

but i cannot, and i succumb to the grip of my pencil
and the social network of which i whore shamelessly

only thinking of a singer's resonating tune that will greet me soon

and the sweet interference of morality

Friday, May 6, 2011

Might I presume?
Another pleasure of thought
Hours of laughter
As sweet as port

after which i drift back into my cheating slumber

Sunday, April 3, 2011



two hundred

has our discovery waned?
has our love yielded to obscurity

it no longer sparks
when our fingers touch
and my unseen tears
drown in my empty well

Thursday, January 28, 2010

First Day


first day.

The musky smell of old wood,
peeling walls.
the drone of the air conditioner,
reverberating engine, whirring, singing its tune of awakening once again

I sit at my wooden desk
and I breathe the stale air of work
and the plastic smells of computers
and I listen
to the sounds of a movie playing
my mind is ticking
in a constant beat.

Warm yellow lights, they fill my eyes
I glance at my boss's table
in its lovely, cluttered glory
A loaf of bread, wires entwined like the exposed roots of an ancient tree
half eaten lunch, chopstick peeking from the side of its styrofoam box
piles and piles of loose paper
screaming to be shredded

they smile at me.

and again the smells, the old paint
organised mess
I think of my room at home
poring over paintings,
my lamp light at night.

and I sigh.

First day.